May 22-23, 2024 — On behalf of the University of South Florida (“USF”) Accounting Circle, we would like to present you with an opportunity to be recognized as a sponsor of the Accounting Circle (the “Circle”) for the 2023-2024 academic year. As a partnership created with USF’s Lynn Pippenger School of Accountancy (the “School”), the Circle has a mission to support the School, enhance student professional development, and promote student and faculty success through distinctive and impactful opportunities which engage the Tampa Bay business community.
Each year, we host a number of dynamic events designed to educate students about the opportunities available for accounting majors, provide students with the opportunity to network with our community’s professionals, and increase the professional community’s interaction with the School. Accounting majors do not pay to attend any of these events. Instead, the Circle annually raises funds to support students, faculty, and staff through corporate and individual sponsorships as well as our annual CPE conference, to be held May 22-23, 2024. The event will be in person on Thursday, May 22, which includes a networking reception, and Friday, May 23, will be held virtually. Please read more in the letter below.
Katie Davis
(813) 974-6507